Monday, April 28, 2014

Whose the Chaperone?: Mad Men Season 7 Week 3 Recap and Thoughts

Well, "Field Trip" certainly didn't end the way it began. Or did it? 

This week's episode of Mad Men taught us something about how quickly life can just be pulled out from under you and rearranged entirely against your plans for it. Do you think Don envisioned returning to SC&P with the reduced role that he took at the end? Do you think he envisioned his marriage ending on Megan's terms rather than his own? Do you think Betty saw herself clinging to her youngest child, desperate for them never to grow up and grow apart from her? And do you really think Peggy saw herself so miserable and still so consumed by the man who gave her a chance and held her back at the same time?

Probably not. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spare Change: Mad Men Season 7 Week 2 Recap and Thoughts

Last night's Mad Men could be described as transcendent, to give our guy Johnny Depp some good PR. Joan is now an account "man", Pete wants out of Sterling Cooper but actually seems willing to do something about it now, a colored women can be seen from the window (until Cooper "requests" Joan change that), Peggy is just as lonely as Don and speaking of Don, he seems to come a long way in sixty minutes (as we have seen both positively and negatively in the majority of every single Mad Men episode ever). Maybe transcendent isn't the right word. Maybe the word I'm looking for is change.